Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Seventh Semester

My Seventh  semester (Spring 2012)




EECT 279              Advanced Problem Solving (Mon 1:00-5:00)

The professor was Rahim Negahban.  This class had no book. The class is to get you ready for the CET test. It was hard because you cover material in this class that is not covered in other classes, and there is not a lot of time spent on any one subject. There was a quiz given most classes to punish the students who should up late, left early or did not show up at all. It seamed like more of a punishment for those of us who were there.


EECT 222              Introduction to Microcontrollers (Mon 5:30-10:00)

The professor was R. Scott Coppersmith.  This class was another disappointing class. It did not go into as much detail as I would have liked, most of the time was spent in labs. There was very little homework or quizzes.


EECT 226              Computer Troubleshooting (Thur 6:00 - 9:50)

The professor was Joshua Johanan .  The class used a book that is used for A+ certification, but since we did not have to take the test after this class it did not teach to it, and was not as hard as it could have been. I did learn more than I expected to learn having worked with computer since 1979.


Sixth Semester

My Sixth semester (Fall 2011)

This was a rough semester for me, the classes had a fair amount of homework and they were all hard classes.




EECT 221              Solid State (Mon 1:00 -4:50)

The professor was Rahim Negahban.  This class went along nicely with the AC circuit analysis class. But having two electronic classes with the same professor in the same room, over about the same subjects, made it hard to separate what was said and done in which class.


PHYS 101             Physics I  (Mon 5:30 - 9:45))

The professor was Keith Madden. It was his first semester teaching his course, and he used the material from the last professor, which at times made it difficult, since he was not sure what was going to be on the quizzes, midterm or final. But he took it easy on grading.   There was two quizzes every class, a closed book multiple choice quiz. And an open book quiz that were problems that needed to be worked.


EECT 211              AC Circuits Analysis (Wed 5:30-9:50)

The professor was Rahim Negahban. This class got into complex numbers which did make it hard, and the math more complicated.



Fifth Semester

My Fifth semester (Summer 2011)




EECT 121 - Electronics Circuit Analysis (MW 5:30-9:50)

The professor was Rahim Negahban. This is where it got hard for me, and a lot of others. AC was added and being twice a week for 8 weeks made it pretty fast paced. The class (and the morning class) did so bad on the first test he had those of us who could come in four days a week. And I did most of the days.


IVYT 1XX  - Life Skills Elective (102 Fri 10:00-11:15)

The professor for this class was Elizabeth Heitsch. She worked in the library and I think has since left Ivy Tech to go back to where she was raised to be by family. It is normally an eight week course so having it in the summer did not make it any harder. IVYT 102 (Information. Studies and Research Skills) should have really been taken before ENG 111, but since I had ENGL 111 first I knew how to do a lot of this.


I did get to go to Chick-Fil-A for free coffee before I went to class, that was nice since it was right on the way.


Fourth Semester

My fourth semester (Spring 2011)


EECT 122 Digital Applications (Tues 6:00-9:50)
This was the second half of the digital classes, with the same professor and book. It was at the same day and time as the first digital class.  The final was hard, it is based on Purdue’s test.

EECT 111 Introduction to Circuits Analysis (Wed 5:30-9:50)
The professor was Rahim Negahban. And I do not remember a lot about the class, except I think we started getting into more electronic components, like Operational Amplifiers.  But still just DC.

MATH 137 Trigonometry w/Analytic Geometry (Tues 2:30-5:15)
The professor was John Treacy. This class was hard, because I had never had any (or very little) trigonometry before.  Thank goodness for half the points or corrections and take home test.

Third Semester

My third semester (Fall 2010)




EECT 128 Introduction To C Programming (Mon 6:00-9:50)

Being a computer programmer I was looking forward to this class. This was the worst class ever, and the professor is no longer with Ivy Tech.  He could not hear so he could not ask questions (because he could not hear the answer) and could not hear questions when the students asked them.  I made it through the class without much of problem since I knew how to program, just not the syntax for C/C++. We used both C and C++ even though it was a C programming class. I did find some of the questions on the quizzes rather ridiculous. Like a text editor is just for editing text? He said no because you can use it to create the text (file) in the first place.  I did argue with him over the If statement and what was considered true or false.  He said it was only 1 (true) or 0 (false), I said anything not considered a 0 (false) was considered true.


EECT 112 Digital Fundamentals (Tues 6:00-9:50)

The professor for this class was Dave Brinkruff. He knows the stuff very well.  Being a computer programmer helped me with this class, since I have dealt with binary and hex number systems, and also complex logic for if statements. I have trouble remembering what was in digital I or digital II.  But there was plenty of homework and some of the labs where complex.  I was thankful I had a good lab partner.



MATH 136 College Algebra (Wed 6:00-8:45)

The professor was John Tracey, an ex-programmer, turned math professor.  He was entertaining and more than fair on test. After the tests were graded you could rework the questions you got wrong for half the points.  The class was fast paced, so do not expect to stay on one subject to long, but he would go over the problems as many times as needed if you had questions.