Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Eleventh semester

My Eleventh semester (Summer 2013)
The summer semesters are 8 weeks, so they go by fast, but the work you have to do each week is doubled. Usually the classes also meet twice a week. But BUSN 101 is a hybrid class so one of the sessions each week is on the Internet. Both classes have us do work on the Internet, so it is hard to tell the difference between the hybrid and non-hybrid class as far as the online work required.
Both of these classes are core classes that transfer to other universities, so they have set areas they need to teach and have a final that covers those areas.   
I hit 100 credit hours at the end of this semester.
ACCT 101       Financial Accounting (Tuesday and Thursday 1:00-3:45)
This was an interesting class, because I deal with accounting and accounting terms, so this class helped explain what all of that meant. The instructor said this was the hardest class ivy tech had, I do not agree with that, but it is not easy. You have to pay attention to details and check everything twice, as I missed simple math problems on most of the test. Most of our homework was done on a computer, but a couple were turn in problems, and I used Excel and when I summed it included the year which was the heading, in the total, that lost me a couple of points. Eight people signed up for the class and four finished it.

BUSN             101        Introductions to Business (Tuesday 4:00-6:45)
This was a hybrid class so it met only once a week, that was nice. We covered three chapters a week, and had to do a paper in APA format. This class was not as hard as accounting, but it was not easy. Having been around businesses for about 30 years I had heard a lot of the terms before this class and that made the class easier. The final seemed easy, but I missed more points than I thought I did. A woman in the class said the same thing. I think only one person dropped the class, but one other person should have as she did not take any of the tests or write the paper. She said she did not have a computer. They do have a library with computers students can use. Financial aid does take into consideration dropped and failed classes. And if I am going to put the time in going to class I am at least going to try.  She did show up for the final.   


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